4 Pros of Japan’s Healthcare System

4 Pros of Japan's Healthcare System

Japan has a high-quality healthcare system wherein all its residents are legally required to have their health insurance from their employers or sign up for national healthcare insurance administered by the government. Japan’s mandatory health insurance covers both Japanese citizens and non-Japanese citizens residing in the country.

4 Pros of Japan’s Healthcare System

Medical assistance in Japan remains so affordable as it continues to be regulated by the government to ensure that services are reasonable among the general population. This article will go through 4 pros of Japan’s healthcare system.

High-Quality Standard Healthcare

Though there are fewer medical doctors in Japan due to high medical school fees, health providers such as hospitals or clinics can give patients excellent service. Japan’s healthcare system focuses on technology and medical equipment valuing the citizen’s right to health.

Free Healthcare Services

What’s good about the Japanese healthcare system is it provides free screening processes for selected diseases, infections, and regular prenatal care. If it’s over that coverage, citizens are responsible for paying at least 30% of the total cost and the rest will be paid by the government.

Universal System of Care

In Japan, the government offers healthcare benefits to everyone. Whether you are a citizen or a foreigner, you will get the same level of health benefits or access to treatments for your wellbeing. Non-citizens can take advantage of the system as long as he/she has been residing in Japan for a year or more.

Service Fees are Identical

For some other countries, medical fees vary and depend on some factors such as the providers, rural or urban places, etc. However, in Japan, it’s different. The government imposes a uniform fee for patients, no matter where you are in Japan. Thus, you would know how much a service would cost.


Japan’s healthcare system has been known for its excellence over the years. Its technology and equipment advancement has led it to many successes, and it continues to provide good quality of health services.

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