4 Reasons Why Sushi Is Healthy For You

4 Reasons Why Sushi Is Healthy For You

Sushi is delicious and you might be wondering if it’s healthy to eat it or not. It is not only an incredibly edible art but also it is nutritious and good for your body. Some of these health benefits are even good for your skin and hair!

Reasons Why Sushi Is Healthy

We will list 4 reasons why sushi is healthy for you and why you should add it to your weekly diet.

You might be surprised with the list so don’t skip this article!

1. Beautiful Hair and Skin

Pick sushi with tuna or salmon and you will be getting that good amount of omega 3-fatty acids, an essential protein that prevents hair loss and promotes supple, smooth skin. And not only that, did you know that omega-3’s helps improve your memory functions? No wonder omega 3’s is a popular health supplement because it has multiple health benefits.

2. Weight Loss

Fish is a rich source of protein which boosts your metabolism, helps lose body fat without losing your muscles and reduces your appetite. Are you aiming for a summer body look? Then eat sushi moderately every week and you’ll be getting your essential protein fix.

3. Prevents Food Poisoning

Are you one of those who usually gets funny reactions in your tummy when eating various foods? Wasabi and sushi are always eaten together and it will be your savior. And if you don’t like the fishy smell of wasabi, then you’ll be glad to know that it softens the fish’s smell and it also enhances its flavor. And more importantly, it stops bacteria that causes food poisoning so say goodbye to sensitive tummy.

4. Gives Energy

Nori (dried seaweed) is loaded with vitamins such as vitamin A, B, C, D, E and B12 which are important nutrients to stay active and to maintain a good immune system. B12 is a nutrient that converts the food into glucose which means it helps us give energy. So instead of drinking energy drinks, opt for a more healthier option such as nori snacks and of course, sushi.


Eating sushi has unique health benefits and some people may have not realized it. Which of these reasons makes you more interested in eating sushi? Let us know in the comments below what you think of this list.





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