Shirataki: The Guilt-Free Nutritious Noodle You Must Know

Shirataki: The Guilt-Free Nutritious Noodle You Must Know

Superfoods are amazing in a sense that when you consume them, the benefit you’ll get is astronomical when compared to your normal day-to-day diet. Have you ever heard of a noodle that can help you lose weight, reduce blood sugar, and with almost zero calories? With Shirataki Noodles, you’ll get all that and more.

What are Shirataki Noodles?

It’s this translucent, gelatinous, almost tasteless noodle made from what we call konjac yam, also called devil’s tongue or elephant tongue. Shirataki noodles contain viscous fiber also known as glucomannan, which makes this tasteless gelatinous noodle so amazing. Here are the reasons why it is a healthy noodle:

1. Weight Loss

Glucomannan is a powerful form of viscous fiber that absorbs water 50 times its weight which means you’ll feel satiated for a longer time, when you’re full you eat less, eating less means you’ll have a calorie deficit and calorie deficit will more likely lead to weight loss.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention it has zero calories, which means you can consume large amounts with absolutely no guilt whatsoever. What a way back to your summer body!

2. Lower Blood Sugar

When you consume shirataki noodles, you’ll have these super fibers in your gut. It means a slower rate of nutrient absorption which naturally brings about lower blood sugar spikes and controlled insulin levels.

3. Better Nutrient Absorption

The fiber in shirataki noodles is a well-known prebiotic. It slows down the rate of nutrient absorption and induces growth or activities of the beneficial microorganisms in your gut, which will more likely yield better nutrient absorption ~ it also can positively affect your BMI and mood.

4. Regular Bowel Movements

Unlike your regular, starchy, high calorie noodles, shirataki noodles will help you at the end of your digestion. Having a high fiber diet will more likely result in softer excretion which will bring about easy, regular bowel movements.

On a side note, it will help reduce risk of developing painful hemorrhoids, an important fact.


There are other benefits to adding shirataki noodles in your dietary arsenal and you can always play with other healthy ingredients with it. What japanese noodle is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.


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