Top 4 Health Benefits of Glutinous Rice

Top 4 Health Benefits of Glutinous Rice

A wise man once quoted – “man does not live on bread alone…”

Then how about glutinous rice?

Glutinous rice is a common ingredient in cuisines all over Asia. There are also tons of different recipes, from different regions all over Asia, available online that make use of glutinous rice as the primary ingredient. In Japan, it is made into mochi; a traditional rice cake prepared every Japanese New Year- that’s why it is rightfully called mochigome, or mochi rice. There’s also what we call Okawa – glutinous rice mixed with vegetables or meat. And, dango, a common japanese confectionaire usually served with tea.

Health Benefits Of Glutinous Rice

It’s a popular ingredient that is used by many cultures all over the world and for a good reason – here’s the top 4 health benefits of glutinous rice!

1. Helps Prevent Chronic Diseases

Glutinous rice contains selenium which plays an important role in amping up your immune system. Hence, keeping you away from chronic diseases and any forms of illnesses.

There are 2 things that antioxidants are known to do for our body:

a) It lowers oxidative stress,

b) It protects cells against free radicals.

This helps our body from developing diseases like heart disease or cancer, to name a few.

2. Helps Reduce Diabetes

While glutinous rice indeed is high in carbohydrates, the amount of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals  that it imparts to our bodies more than makes up for it. In fact, it’s so good, it has been proven to help with glycaemic control in folks with type-2 diabetes.

3. Improves Bone Density

B Vitamins, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, and Phosphorus – these essential minerals found in glutinous rice help our body build strong bones, improve bone density, and reduce risk of developing osteoporosis as you age.

4. Helps Keep a Healthy Heart

Glutinous rice is packed with vitamins and minerals. There’s definitely no doubt about that. But even better, it has 0 fat, 0 cholesterol. Talk about keeping your heart healthy and your body, overall. Here it is – glutinous rice!


Glutinous rice is a badass asian cuisine ingredient. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals that not only help your body stay away from chronic diseases, it also keeps your body from ageing – plus, it improves bone density and helps you keep your heart healthy. Of course, with a balanced diet and exercise.

Can man live on glutinous rice alone? I don’t know. Probably not. But, it does help you live longer.


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