4 Cultural Differences in Doing Business in Japan

4 Cultural Differences in Doing Business in Japan

Each country has its own workplace culture. Whether you are in the northern or southern part of the world, the difference in culture is common. For instance, Japan has its own unique culture that every foreigner needs to know if they want to explore business opportunities in Japan.

4 Cultural Differences in Doing Business in Japan

Many foreigners look for gainful opportunities in Japan, and surprisingly the number of foreign entrepreneurs has increased. So, if you’re considering doing business or work for a Japanese company, read on to explore how Japanese workplace culture differs from other countries.

Reading Between the Lines

Direct approach in business is common in western countries. However, in Japan, this approach will somehow give a rude impression especially in a business conversation. When doing business in Japan, remember that Japanese subtly expresses their opinions.

Facts VS Emotions

In business, it is important to communicate through facts and opinions. For Japanese business people, they commonly discuss conflicts privately or as a group. As much as possible, they don’t want to get involved in public confrontation as it shows unprofessionalism.

Consistency and Quality

It is not surprising that Japanese business people tend to make decisions slower than expected compared to other nationalities. Japanese people try to do series of meetings and documentation first as they believe that it lessens the room for errors and brings consistency instead.

Individual VS Group

Other business people set roles and responsibilities individually, but it’s a lot different from Japanese companies. Japanese companies require individual contributions but recognize the entire group for someone’s success. Thus Japanese people value teamwork and cooperation.


It may be challenging for others to work or do business with Japanese people. It may sound like a little alien for foreigners, so learning how to do business with them is essential.

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