4 Health Benefits You Get In Eating Nori

4 Health Benefits You Get In Eating Nori

Nori is a type of seaweed that grows on salty sea waters. This superfood has been part of japanese palate for centuries and you will be surprised as to how highly nutritious this sea green vegetable is.

Health Benefits You Get In Eating Nori

In this article, we will introduce 4 health benefits that will make you want to eat nori everyday. Because why not? We all want to stay as healthy as possible. So here it is!

1. Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals

We have already mentioned earlier that nori is a superfood and so adding it to your food as toppings everyday gives you a boost of your daily intake of vitamins and minerals. The seaweed contains vitamin A, B, C, E, iron, iodine, protein, fiber, carbohydrates, minerals, and more. Just a little addition to your meals with a nori makes a huge difference.

2. May Help Thyroid Function

Nori gives you iodine, an essential mineral needed for your thyroid glands to function properly. Without enough iodine, your thyroid glands cannot release hormones that help control energy and growth production. Moreover, thyroid glands restore damage cells in your body keeping you from several types of sickness.

3. Help Against Diabetes And Weight Loss

Nori contains a rich amount of fiber which helps regulate insulin and blood glucose levels. It can also reduce diabetes risk factors such as high fat levels, inflammation and sensitivity in insulin. Adding seaweed to your diet will help increase fiber intake, making you feel full without consuming calories which in turn greatly helps against overeating.

4. Supports Gut Health

Due to the high amount of fiber in nori, consuming the seaweed helps feed the gut’s bacteria. This intestinal bacteria breaks down fiber which helps your immune system and overall gut health. The probiotic fiber also helps against diarrhea and constipation.


There are more health benefits nori has and these are just a few of them. You can also try varieties of seaweed such as kelp, wakame kombu, dulce, and more. Why do you think you should eat nori? Let us know in the comments below what type of seaweed in Japan you would like to try.



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