4 Healthy Japanese Drinks to Boost Your Kid’s Health

4 Healthy Japanese Drinks to Boost Your Kid's Health

Our kids are angels. They’re cute and their smile lights like the brightest sun in the day. And playtime with them is the best time where we could bond with them and relax. And then, there comes mealtime. Kids, not all but a lot of them wouldn’t want to be near anything green, leafy or the nutritious, essential vegetables. So how can we get these mini versions of ourselves to eat their vegetables?

Japanese Drinks to Boost Your Kid’s Health

Here’s how to make sure they are getting the nutrition they need to get without struggling in making them healthy; juices! Or mainly, drinks. Here are the 4 drinks you need to try for your kids.

1. Juice the greens

Kids would definitely be curious and fascinated about the magical process of making it. Blend those greens into a juice and viola! They would be willing to sample it afterwards. You can try this recipe:

Fresh wakame seaweed (2 cups)

Carrots (2 pcs)

Large apples (2 pcs)

Beetroot (1 pc)

Spinach (1 cup)

Fresh ginger to taste

Add all of these ingredients and make it into a juice. If you want the juice to be sweeter, just add more apples.

2. Vitamin C Juice

One of the most important vitamins kids need to have everyday to boost their immune system is Vitamin C. And a lot of us parents even buy a bottle of vitamin syrups from the drugstore. While we pray they religiously take a teaspoonful of goodness even just once a day, again, kids may dislike the idea of it mostly due to it’s weird taste. Now it comes to us, parents, to find a better way to make them drink one. So instead of pleading with them to take the mandatory syrup, make a deliciously sweet citrus juice instead. Try this:


yuzu (3 pcs)

Honey (1 tablespoon)

Watermelon (7-8 cups)

3. Freeze it and add it on water

Are you short on time due to work and you can’t make healthy juice for your kids? Then how about making the juice at night before you go to bed, putting it on freezer molds like ice boxes and freezing it overnight? Then in the morning you can just take it out and put it in cold water. Way to go, mommy and daddy!

4. Kakigori

Who doesn’t love desserts other than kids? We do remember being a kid and we sure love nothing but sweets, treats and desserts.

And of course, we can’t just give them all the ice cream in the world even though we love them. So to treat them in a healthy way, we parents have to be resourceful this time. So you can make kakigori (snow cones) and add a delicious healthy juice of our choice on top of the shaved ice. Then our problems are solved.


There are endless possibilities of making fresh, healthy drinks in Japan for our kids on top of mixing them up and trying new recipes of vegetables and fruits. There are even a lot of native vegetables and fruits only found in Japan.

So how do you make your kids drink healthy? Leave us in the comment below and share it with us.



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