4 Surprising Health Facts of Sansho Pepper

4 Surprising Health Facts of Sansho Pepper

Let’s talk about a spice that’s been used by Japanese for a very, very long time. Sancho Pepper has been widely used since time immemorial. It removes strong smells from fish and meat. It is an antiseptic. It improves your appetite. And it is commonly found in unagi (eel) dishes. But, we’re here to really talk about it’s health benefits. Here we go!

Surprising Health Facts Of Sansho Pepper

In this article, you will know the 4 surprising facts of the spice sancho pepper. It’s a great condiment and it has a lot to give for health. Without further ado, here it is.

For Eye Health

Sasho pepper is rich in vitamin A.

Vitamin A protects your eyes from night blindness and/or any age related decline. It may lower the risk of certain types of cancers. Surprisingly, it reduces or minimizes the risk of acne. It supports normal vision, cell growth and your immune system. Who would have thought that a spice can help you with your eye health?

Contains lots of B vitamins

Sancho pepper contains B Vitamins which are beneficial to the body. It is vital in boosting the immune system, breaks down food to energy and promotes healthy hormones. It also prevents diseases such as beri-beri, and reduces risks in heart diseases. Studies show that Sasho pepper also contains Vitamin B12, a vitamin that can help you avoid anemia. Moreover, it contains vitamin B9 (folic acid) which is essential for pregnancy and for growing a healthy baby. A power spice indeed.

Strengthens the bones

This incredible pepper also has calcium which helps build and maintain strong bones. Calcium is needed by your heart, muscles, and nerves to function properly. Moreover, Sansho pepper may help in slow bone mineralization which in effect, reduces risks of fractures in the bones.

Treatment for diarrhea

Sansho pepper was known before as naruhajika and was used traditionally as a remedy for diarrhea since the Heian Period. In fact, it was a treatment for many digestive problems. It helps in normalizing your bowel movements and supports your intestines in absorbing fluids. If you want an easy home remedy found in the kitchen, you better try sansho pepper at your home.


It’s a super pepper packed with vitamins and minerals. The next time you visit the grocery store, try it! What japanese spice do you love? Share it with us in the comments.







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