4 Things Oolong Tea Can Do To Your Health

4 Things Oolong Tea Can Do To Your Health

You might know now that Asians love tea and have a thousand-year relationship with it. And tea comes in a variety of herbs, flavors and health properties. In Japan today, tea is still grown, and there are alot to choose from. But now, we will talk about this healthy tea and one of the favorite teas in Japan – Oolong tea!

Healthy Japanese Oolong Tea

Oolong tea originated in China but it is adapted in Japan and cultivated. You can now drink Japanese oolong tea in a traditional way, make iced tea and there are even bottled ones you can get in a konbini. It is even popularly mixed to make milk tea. So what does oolong tea do to your health? Here are the lists.

1. Keeps the skin healthy

One of the main health properties of oolong tea is its high content of antioxidants which are polyphenol and catechin. These two organic compounds are commonly found in teas and it boosts the immune system and eliminates toxic free radicals in the body. In effect, this fights off aging plus, it promotes beautiful skin- it is known to help against eczema and also keeps the hair healthy.

2. Helps in weight loss

Victoria Secret Supermodel Miranda Kerr is actually a fan of oolong tea and was on an ad drinking Suntory Kuro Oolong tea. And the promises about tea that can help in losing weight is not a myth. The antioxidant is mostly responsible for it. Doing exercise regularly coupled with drinking tea amplifies losing weight in the process.

3. Prevents Diabetes

On top of oolong tea as a “weight-loss” tea, it also protects the body against diabetes. In general, tea even helps against complications from diabetes and this is because it alleviates inflammatory responses and reduces insulin resistance. So while you’re writing down your grocery list, add oolong tea for optimum health.

4. Improves Heart Health

There is more to the antioxidants than what we have discussed earlier. Drinking tea packed with antioxidants improves your heart health. Based on several scientific studies, tea drinkers who drink daily show a result of reduced cholesterol level and blood pressure which equates to them reducing also the risk of heart complications. Although caffeine content found in teas may increase blood pressure, there is no proof linking blood pressure and caffeine.


Tea is one of the most important drinks in Japan. And if we talk about longevity, you may think freely that maybe tea is one of the reasons why Japanese have a long life.Why not try drinking oolong tea and discover its wonderful benefits? Drinking tea is always a relaxing, healing experience and its health properties are a huge bonus.



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