4 Things You Need to Know About Giving Birth in Japan

4 Things You Need to Know About Giving Birth in Japan

Congratulations! You are having a baby soon. A time of thinking about the little one and their future. It’s definitely an exciting time, however if you are new in Japan, you might be a little anxious about giving birth in a different country. But no worries, in this article, we will give you tips you need to know about birthing in Japan.

Things You Need to Know About Giving Birth in Japan

There are a few things you need to be aware of considering this big event in your life so you will be fully prepared. Just know these 4 things and you will be good to go. Here it is.

1. Health Insurance

You might be surprised to find out that Health Insurance does not cover maternity and that’s because it is not considered an illness. However, there are government benefits that compensate for the expenses of delivery plus an allowance. So what are they?

A) Maternity Voucher

Boshi Techo or Maternity Voucher is like a book to record you and your baby’s progress during your pregnancy. It also allows you to have a discounted rate in your visits with your doctor instead of paying 100% of your hospital visits. In order to get this one, visit your local city office so they can issue your boshi techo. Also, always keep it close to your bag in order not to lose it and also so you can use it anytime.

B) Childbirth Allowance

Health insurance will cover over 420,000 yen delivery cost in your pregnancy but you need to have a health insurance card (from national health insurance or corporate health insurance) in order for this to happen. This helps a lot from your expenses during your pregnancy. They will ask you to fill in an application document at the hospital and they will issue payment directly at the hospital, so no need to do it on your own.

2. Maternity Mark

Now that you know the insurance you can apply on and discounts, Boshi Techo also keeps mother’s lives as comfortable as possible during the nine-month pregnancy. You can ask them for a maternity mark where you can place it in your bag or attach it somewhere visible so people in public will recognize that you are pregnant even if your belly isn’t showing yet. What this does to you is that buses and trains will give you access to priority seats especially when you are experiencing morning sickness or back pains.

3. Your Hospital Stay

After pregnancy, a first time new mother gets to stay five nights at the hospital while for those on their second time mothers, it will be for four nights. Mothers with C-Section operation get to stay 10-nights. During your hospital stay, midwives will teach moms about bathing the baby and breastfeeding. You can also ask them also to give you body massages (maternity homes and private hospitals have this option). Your hospital stay also helps you to recover for you can either choose to stay with your baby or only during daytime. They also check your mental health condition and your health overall.

4. Breastfeeding

In most hospitals, midwives encourage moms to breastfeed the baby instead of formula milk. It is believed that milk from breastfeed strengthens the baby, especially its immune system. However, not all mommas are capable of breastfeed due to clinical conditions and such. At the end of the day, It is still important for mothers to be in a relaxed and happy state while they take care of their newborn baby.


Enjoy life as you carry your baby in a very short while in your tummy. It is a very special time as you are more connected to your little ones than ever. Are you excited to becoming a mommy? What do you think of this article?




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