4 Japanese Healthy Nuts You Need to Try!

4 Japanese Healthy Nuts You Need to Try!

Japan may not be popular in producing nuts but has its fair share of nut produce found all over the regions. Try them out and see for yourself!

Healthy Nuts In Japan

We will introduce 4 Japanese healthy nuts you need to taste on your first trip in Japan. Keep reading so you will find out why japanese love them. Here it is.

Ginnan (Ginkgo Nut)

Although the gingko tree produces fruits with notoriously foul odor, inside is a gingko nut that is extremely delicious. Gingko nut is a prized delicacy in Japan and is sought-after. It should only be consumed limitedly due to its active substance called ginkgotoxin; a heat-stable compound that may cause health problems but when eaten moderately, it gives relief in breathing problems and can ease asthma, urinary tract problems, and bronchitis. Children are recommended to eat only 5 kernels and adults 10 kernels a day. Ginnan is usually found in dishes like chawanmushi (savory custard) in autumn.

Kuri (Japanese Chestnut)

Japanese chestnuts are native to Japan and come in medium to large sizes. These delicious nuts are used in a variety of dishes from main dishes to desserts and treats such as roasted chestnuts, kuri manju, kuri dango, kuri mushipan etc. It has a wealth of health benefits for it mainly has antioxidants which prevents skin cancer or melanoma. It also promotes digestive health, strengthens bones, protects heart health, prevents constipation, cures dysentery and more.

Japanese Walnut (Onigurumi)

Japanese walnuts are delicious despite their oily texture. It is also called heartnuts due to its shape and true to its name, it may decrease risks of heart disease. It is also packed in nutrients, high in minerals and good to eat everyday like a nutritive supplement. Onigurumi also helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and decreasing blood pressure. They are mostly added in japanese desserts or enjoyed by eating raw.

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