Health Tips To Combat Hair Loss in Japan

Health Tips To Combat Hair Loss in Japan

Hair misfortune is a typical issue among western ladies in Japan. It’s quite a mystery the first time you discover it, but really there are tons of you folks out there still in your 20s and 30s. The same age group and ethnicity (European or Celtic) having the similar issues – hair fall.

There are factors affecting this phenomenon affecting almost strictly just the people from the west like jet lag, climate change, diet or dehydration.

How to combat hair loss in Japan

Worry not! In this article, we will list 4 things you can do to help stop the further deforestation of your hair follicles and regrow a full grown hair.

1. Chlorine Level Control: Shower Filter

Subsequent to perusing that discussion I referenced before, I understood that there was a move I could make to slow down hair fall. The main thing that was prescribed was to buy a shower filter. This assists with combatting that load of cruel synthetics (chlorine level) in Tokyo water and can even assist you with changing the strength of the water pressure so it’s more delicate on your follicles. This is an exceptionally speedy way for you to resolve the issue in my channel each evening.

2. Opt to Organic Japanese Hair Products

The Japanese hair care industry is (obviously) custom fitted to Japanese braids. It’s made for thick, coarse, Asian hair. On account of this it very well may be excessively strong and drying on the hair of a westerner. I enthusiastically suggest bringing items from home or requesting through sites so you can ensure you’re not accomplishing more mischief than anything in the shower. If you don’t have these two options however, shop in the mall and opt for organic Japanese hair products and avoid chemically processed ones (at least, for now).

3. Get A Silk Pillowcase

Changing to a silk pillowcase is delicate on your strands, so I have quit awakening to hair on my pillow following an evening of thrashing around while sound asleep. There is likewise an additional advantage that silk pillowcases should be better for your skin!

4. Diet: Keep it Right!

Diet can immensely affect your hair. While you should check with a specialist prior to making any uncommon dietary changes or bringing dietary enhancements into your life, creating the right augmentations can truly assist with working with development. Ensure you are eating food varieties wealthy in omegas and protein, like fish, avocados, eggs, and nuts. Iron is likewise significant for hair development, which is ample in dull, salad greens. Another extraordinary enhancement for reinforcing your follicles is biotin. This is famous for being hard to get from food sources other than eggs, however get some information about bringing it into your enhancement weapons store. Any biotin enhancements ought to do, and you can discover them all over Amazon, Rakuten or even in Don Quijote. 


Trust that things will improve overtime as your body adapts to Japan’s climate. It will require some investment of both time and money to discover the items that were ideal for you. That being said, I suggest exploring different avenues regarding your daily schedule and attempting to resolve the primary issues you will in general face here as foreigners. Are you having this kind of issue? Let us know in the comment what other health concerns you are having when you move to Japan. Stay safe!


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