4 Health Facts Of Eating Soba

4 Health Facts Of Eating Soba

Buckwheat noodles or soba became popular during the 1800s. It is made of buckwheat flour and water combined and made into noodles. Soba dishes are very popular all over Japan. This noodles is much like spaghetti but it is the healthy version of it.

Health Facts Of Soba

Soba does not contain gluten and cholesterol-free and not only that. We will introduce 4 health facts of eating soba and once you read this article, you will definitely get soba on your next trip to the grocery. So here it is.

Great source of Manganese

Our body needs at least 21 percent daily requirement of manganese. One cup of serving soba contains 0.4 milligrams of manganese which is important for energy metabolism, supports nervous system’s health, wound healing and bone health. Eating soba helps lower the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis and arthritis. It also helps alleviate premenstrual syndrome symptoms.

Contains Thiamin

1 cup of soba serving contains 0.107 milligrams of thiamine; providing 8 percent from our recommended daily allowance.

Also known as Vitamin B-1, thiamin aids the health and function of your nervous and immune system. It is also important for healthy cell growth and energy metabolism. Having thiamin deficiency will cause several health problems. When drinking alcohol, thiamine is the main nutrient that gets depleted in your body. Also, your body may likely suffer from digestive problems and even heart failure so eating soba keeps you healthy.

High in Protein

You wouldn’t believe that noodles can contain high amounts of protein and that’s what soba can give you! Soba has more protein than any other grains with the exception of oats. A cup of soba noodle serving contains 6 grams of protein, supplying 12 percent of your recommended daily allowances following a regular 2,000 cal diet. This noodle may not contain all the amino acids needed in your body but soba is always perfect when paired with healthy nuts or beans. According to studies, lean protein from soba can help reduce risks of cancer, diabetes and even heart disease.

Rich in Soluble Fiber

This amazing noodle has a lot in store. Soba noodles are rich in soluble fiber which helps decrease belly fat and supports bowel movements.
It also helps lower your blood sugar levels and lower your cholesterol. Moreover, soba also helps you feel fuller preventing you in eating too much unhealthy food.


Soba noodles support your weight management especially if you want a gluten-free diet. Also, you can purchase premade soba noodles in the grocery stores. Which noodle is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.





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